Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Yes! Another Young Knitter!

I got this email last night:


I'm Sally Cooper using my mom's email to thank you for your help learning how to knit. I wanted to learn so that I had something fun to do with my grandma when she visited in summer.  Only thing is, my mom isn't very good at knitting, so I needed to read some on the computer after she showed me the basics.

Your page ( had some great stuff!  I really liked some patterns I found because I'm just learning how to use them.

My mom also found me another page that was my second favorite: (  It is made for kids and has llama finger puppets on it that were so fun to make.  My mom said that if I sent a good email, you might put it on your page and other kids could learn from one place!  That would be so cool!

Let me know if you like the page.

Thank you!!!!!!!!

Sally Cooper
12 years old
Didn't Sally do a nice job on her note?  Anybody got some other great links for fun knitting patterns for kids to share with Sally?
Happy Knitting, all,


  1. Diana, I am trying to see if you can help me figure out a "fleck" design in my baby gift catalog. I can't seem to find an email for you. Please help

    Cathy in CO

    1. I can be emailed at Diana_knits "at" sbcglobal "dot" net.
